Final Count

Autumn Warrior Portrait - Photo (c) Julie Denesha

Autumn Warrior Portrait

Tomato Town, by the numbers.
Total number harvested: 2,890
Number harvested over the last 35 days: 524

By variety (totals to date)
(last count + 7 days’ harvest = new total)

Black Krim: 81 + 8  = 89
Beam’s Yellow Pear: 525 + 108  = 633
Mortgage Lifter: 41 + 3  = 44
Stupice: 137 + 6 = 143
Black Cherry: 138 + 54 = 192
Paul Robeson: 17 + 10 = 27
Cherokee Purple: 84 + 8  = 92
Super Snow White: 279 + 26 = 305
Black Tula: 18 + zero harvested = 18
Martino’s Roma: 53 + zero harvested = 53
Julia Child: 33 +15 = 48
Volunteers: 687 + 234 = 921
KBX: 17 +  zero harvested =  17
Kellogg’s Breakfast: 11 + 11 = 22
Brandywine: 45 + 8 = 53
Cuostralee: 18 + 2 = 20
Box Car Willie: 52 + 8 = 60
Amish: 35 + 12 = 47
Pink Caspian: 11 + 5 = 16
Giant Belgium: 19 + 1 = 20
Aussie: 15 + 5 = 20

It’s over. Nearly 3,000 tomatoes later, we are stopping the count. We still have several dozen green tomatoes on our vines, but we are stopping the count. It has been a challenging year to grow tomatoes. Between microbursts, a cold spring and torrential downpours we are pretty happy that we had the production we did. Bugs factored heavily in keeping some of our numbers low. Over the winter, Farmer T is committed to figuring out organic methods for taking care of pests.

Our favorite tomato variety of the year? For salads and snacking, I’d say Black Cherry.
For sandwiches, we really enjoyed the mighty Cherokee Purple.
For sheer production and looks, Beam’s Yellow Pear wins.

5 Responses to “Final Count”

  1. Rod says:

    You should do a coffee table book of these. They are AWESOME!

  2. David says:

    Arcimboldo lives!


  3. tjfarm says:


  4. admin says:

    Adam West is a tomato!

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