White-lined Sphinx Moth


Tomato or Tobacco? Or something  completely different?

I found this big fellow in the garden on my Missouri Evening Primrose munching away the afternoon. At first, I thought he might be a tomato hornworm, but they are striped not spotted. I found it difficult not to be impressed by the sheer size of him.

Turns out he is Hyles lineata, commonly known as the hummingbird moth. They do list tomatoes as a host plant for this particular moth, but I love watching this amazing birdlike moths fluttering around my flowers.

While I was on the hunt, I found this interesting video on identifying tomato and tobacco hornworms.

The hungry caterpillar had at work.

The hungry caterpillar had at work.

Not all hornworms are alike.

Not all hornworms are alike.

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