Farmer T has been so distressed by the sun damage on the Absinthe and Nepal plants that he had to walk out of the room when he saw this photo on the computer screen.
We kept our plants indoors a few days to protect them from frost and failed to harden them to the elements before planting them in our sunniest beds. Rain was in the forecast, so we were in a hurry to get them in the ground. As recommended by the forums on Tomatoville, we planted them in late afternoon to help the plants acclimate, but the sun got the better of them the next day.
Thankfully, after a prolonged rain shower and a couple days of cloudy weather, our Absinthe and Nepal plants seem likely to snap out of it, at least we hope.
EEEEEEEEEK! Those babies were tough as nails when they left here…shame on you for babying them in the house for days! lol
I lost EIGHT plants to the heat…two of my three Nepals were victims. 🙁
We’re both luckier than Rod though..he bought some HOT compost and cooked all of his. The trials and tribulations of gardening…SIGH!