Super Snow White

Super Snow White

Super Snow White

I spent about 30 minutes this morning looking for the origin of this small, tasty tomato. I’ve got nothing. Most of the sites I’ve found merely reference each other. As a journalist, I need verification! For the description of the Julia Child variety, I felt pretty confident in the ‘internet story’ of it’s origin only after Farmer J found a transcript of a Larry King show – when Julia herself was a guest. I’ll keep digging.

The easy description, one we at Tomato Town can backup with personal experience follows:

This indeterminate (meaning it produces all season) heirloom variety yields a large quantity of white/ivory/pale yellow 2-oz fruit which are perfect for cutting in half and tossing into a salad. They are very, very sweet. Farmer T says Tomato Town’s official photographer did a great job contrasting the Super Snow White against a backdrop of the Mighty (our adj.) Cherokee Purple.

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